Yoga + Oils for the Lunar Cycle

Yoga and oils for the lunar cycle

Women are not often taught about the four phases of their menstrual cycle – menstrual, follicular, ovulation, luteal – or about how to appreciate what each phase brings.

Thankfully there are some oils + yoga poses to help you get in touch with your cycle at every stage.

The menstrual cycle is often referred to as the lunar cycle as it follows a close pattern to the phases of the moon. There are four primary phases of the lunar cycle which occurs every 29.5 days. This maps very closely to a woman’s menstrual cycle of around 28 days.

As I move into peri menopause, I’ve become more aware of my lunar cycle. This means changing up my yoga practise and the essential oils I use, in order to create more harmony with my body's natural cycle. Here’s a breakdown of each phase and the oils I’m using to support myself.

The four lunar phases and menstrual cycles

  1. New Moon: Menstrual Phase During the 3-7 day bleeding phase of the menstrual cycle, your uterus sheds its lining. Oils used in this phase are to reduce inflammation and discomfort.

  2. Waxing Crescent: Follicular Phase During this 7-10 day phase, the body builds up estrogen in preparation for ovulation. Oils used in this phase are grounding and uplifting.

  3. Full Moon: Ovulation This 3-4 day phase involves the body producing an egg and releasing it into the fallopian tube. Oils used in this phase are floral to promote fertility and femininity.

  4. Waning Crescent: Luteal Phase During the 10-14 day luteal phase, estrogen, testosterone and progesterone peak and then begin to drop in preparation for menstruation. Oils used in this phase are for focus and clarity, as well as grounding and balancing.

Yoga and oils for lunar cycle support

Here’s a fews oils and yoga poses to try as your body moves through these four phases of the lunar cycle. You can find the essential oils I mention in any good health food store. As all oils are not created equal, make sure you are using only high quality oils (and not synthetics.)

  1. New Moon: Menstrual Phase

Like winter, the new moon is time to be still and regenerate. You may feel quiet, reflective, thoughtful and sensitive. It’s a time during the menstrual cycle that we want to cultivate a natural downwards flow of energy to encourage a healthy purification process.

Yoga pose:

During this phase of the moon, it’s a good time to practise restorative poses. These gentle poses are held for a longer periods of time to sooth and relax the entire body. Try savasana pose for complete relaxation.

Essential oils:

  • Use Lavender to help reduce the pain and discomfort of menstrual cramps. Mixing first with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, rub a few drops into the palms and rub on the stomach and lower abdomen. Place your palms together in front of the face and inhale deeply to take in the soothing aroma of this oil. Use a few drops in a warm bath.

  • Try a woodsy blend like Frankincense for strength and balance. Place a few drops into a carrier oil, rub palms together and place on the crown of the head and the base of the spine. Also, use a few drops in a diffuser.


2. Waxing Crescent: Follicular Phase

Photo by Siim Lukka on Unsplash

The waxing moon brings on more energy and strength to our bodies (waxing means growing or increasing). It’s a time for a stronger, more energetic, balanced flow where we tap into courage. We root down, as we rise up. It’s also a time to look at new ideas, tap into our imagination, explore new dreams and move forward with an open heart. We move from invisible to visible.

Known as the follicular phase, it’s the time between the first day of the period and ovulation. Estrogen rises as an egg prepares to be released.

In this phase, tap into your courage and cultivate faith to keep going.

Yoga pose:

Any of the standing poses that really root down into the earth and rise up to the heavens. We use more fiery breath to heat the body. Warrior II pose is a great option. Root the feed firmly down, extend the arms through the fingertips and extend through the crown of the head.


  • Try a Cedarwood + Wild Orange spritz to feel both grounded + uplifted at once. Cedarwood is part of the woodsy scent category that helps with grounding, strength and balance. Wild orange is part of the citrus scent category that brings clarity, brightness and uplifting energy.


3. Full Moon: Ovulation

During the full moon, we tend to have more fiery, yang energy. It’s a great time to take action and get results as well as practise gratitude and forgiveness for ourselves and others.

Yoga pose:

This is a time for a more yang practise. Stronger flow poses. Try a few sun salutations to get the heat rising and the energy flowing.


  • Try geranium for balancing the hormones

  • Try rose + bergamot for an energetic mixture of feminine florals and citrus scents to create a bright, energetic zest for life

  • Try Neroli or Jasmine to promote fertility and femininity

  • Mix essential oils first with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, rub a few drops into the palms and rub on the stomach and lower abdomen. Place your palms together in front of the face and inhale deeply to take in the soothing aroma of these oils. Use a few drops in a warm bath.


It’s a great time to create a daily gratitude practise. Each day, spend a few minutes to jot down who or what you are grateful for.


4. Waning Crescent: Luteal Phase

When the moon is waning (which means decreasing in strength or intensity), it’s a time to re-balance, breathe and let go.

This relates to the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and is the time between ovulation and the first day of your period.

Don’t start anything new during this time, rather reflect on what you’ve learned.

Allow life to flow.

Yoga pose:

It’s a time to practise yin yoga, keep it slow and relaxing. Try childs pose. Inhale into the back body. As you exhale, relax into the thighs and floor.


Soft, floral scents support this phase including rose, geranium, chamomile, lavender and ylang ylang. While herbal scents create clarity and focus.

  • Try a few drops of rosemary in a diffuser. It’s part of the herbal scent category and helps promote focus and clarity.

  • Add a few drops of chamomile, lavender or ylang ylang to your bath to relax and sip in the intoxicating scents.

  • Drink chamomile tea to relax, unwind and let go.


This is a good time to journal whatever you need to let go of. Spend a few minutes to write about emotions, endings and reflecting on what you’ve learned.

Try for yourself and see how you feel

Try these shifts in your lunar cycle and see how your body begins to adapt to it’s natural rhythm. Making small changes can begin to make huge differences in your life and using essential oils are a great way to bring harmony and balance into a sometimes turbulent cycle. Make sure you journal about the changes you see, so you can being to track how you are feeling during each stage.


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