21 Easy Ways to Naturally Detox Every Day


A natural body detox doesn’t have to be complicated or hard. Did you know that you can help your body detoxify on a daily basis by adopting these simple tools?

Here are 21 easy-to-do actions that will guide you towards a healthier and happier lifestyle. Some of them you are probably already doing and didn’t even know they were a detox!

While each tip on its own is quite simple, trying to incorporate too many new things into your daily routine all at once is a sure way for none of them to stick. After you read the list below, see which ones you’re already doing on a regular basis, and then pick one or two new things to start. Once these become habitual, then pick a couple more items. Commit to trying at least one new detox habit per month and notice how this affects your body, your mental clarity and your energy.

If you do this consistently each month, by the end of the year you’ll have a treasure trove of natural body detox habits that support your physical (and mental) health!

Please note: while these simple steps can create big change, please consult your doctor or GP if you are unsure if these techniques might interfere with your prescribed medications or overall health.

21 Easy Ways to Naturally Detox Every Day

  1. Drink more filtered water - Drinking water is the easiest way to flush our systems of toxins, as well as keeping our skin smooth and our bodies hydrated. Try upping your hydration levels by taking your total weight, dividing it in half, and consuming that much in ounces (or cl) of filtered water. You’ll be amazed by how great you’ll feel!

  2. Begin your day with lemon water - Before your day begins, start it off with a full glass of filtered water and the juice of a lemon. It promotes hydration, is a good source of vitamin C, improves skin quality, aids in digestion and helps support weight loss among other things.

  3. Tongue scraping - Tongue scraping is an Ayurvedic practice to help detoxify the mouth by removing bacteria, reducing bad bath, and improving your sense of taste. Tongue scraping requires an inexpensive tool that can be purchased at most pharmacies or online. Stainless steel works well or plastic options are a little cheaper. The tongue should be scraped very gently from back to front 7 to 14 times. Try this practice once a day to help curb bacteria build-up.

  4. Eat more organic green leafy vegetables - We all know that we should be eating more vegetables, but the green veggies are vital to help detox the body. Kale, celery, spinach, parsley, cilantro, and celery… all these greens are your friends. They contain vital nutrients, plenty of fibre, and chlorophyll, which helps to cleanse the blood. Try them in a smoothie or very lightly sautéed in coconut oil if eating them raw is not for you.

  5. Try some chlorophyll - Chlorophyll in tablet or liquid form can be great addition to your diet . Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in plants and algae. It can increase red blood cells and bind with toxins and heavy metals, flushing them out of your body.

  6. Oil Pulling - Oil pulling involves swirling oil around the mouth, like a mouthwash. Use 1 tablespoon of extra-virgin coconut oil and swish it around for 10-20 minutes. The chemical reaction between your saliva and the oil pulls bacterial toxins out from the deepest crevices in your mouth. Benefits: reduces the bacteria in the mouth, reduces bad breath, helps reduce gingivitis and reduces cavities.

  7. Sip detoxifying teas - The purpose of detox tea is to cleanse the body from within by acting as a laxative or a diuretic. Detox teas tend to contain herbs such as black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and turmeric, which help boost the body's immune system and improve metabolism. There are many herbal teas to try and each has its own specific health benefits.

  8. Take a digital detox -  Get totally unplugged for an entire day! Leave the phone at home, stop watching the news and other sensationalised or violent television and movies. Opt instead, for reading a good book, going for a walk in nature, listening to music, or crafting and creating. At the end of the day, write down how you felt before and after your digital detox.

  9. Use an essential oil - Essential oils can be a great compliment to your detoxing goals. Lemon has antidepressant qualities, cinnamon oil to clear chest colds, lemongrass has the potential to slow the growth of cancerous cells and tumours, clary sage for its reputed ability to regulate hormones. You could experiment with peppermint to invigorate the mind and improve concentration and memory, lavender to help with anxiety or eucalyptus to help strengthen the immune system. 

  10. Ignite the creativity within - Block out some time (at least and hour) in your calendar, turn off your phone and get lost in the joy of painting, dancing, writing, doodling, sewing, knitting, being in nature, or whatever else brings you joy and freedom. Sign up for a workshop or class to learn a new craft. When we learn something new, we retain the beginners mind and keep our mind and body young, vibrant and moving.

  11. Breathe more - Breathing is something we all know how to do. And yet, the majority of adults forget about their natural ability to breathe fully. This has a huge impact on our mental and physical wellbeing. Try doing some breathing exercises, like Ocean Breathing or attend a breathing workshop. Commit to doing this for 5 minutes every day and notice how you feel!

  12. Try meditation - Meditation not only quiets the mind, it reduces stress, controls anxiety, enhances self-awareness, generates kindness and helps fight addictions. Start with 5 just minutes a day and simply focus on your breath as you close your eyes and go within. Then take a moment to journal about any thoughts that pop up.

  13. Get moving - Whether it’s running, swimming or yoga, moving and stretching not only keeps muscles and joints flexible, it can also lower inflammation and decrease our fight or flight responses that can lead to chronic disease. Staying physical helps you to live well into the future. Stay motivated and detox from stress by committing to moving at least 3 times a week.

  14. Take a forest bath - In Japan, Shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing, are gentle walks that support well-being through sensory immersion in forests and other naturally healing environments. Breath in the smells, the sights, the sounds and the feelings of nature. 

  15. Go out in the sunshine - There's good reason why vitamin D is called “the sunshine vitamin.” When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it makes vitamin D from cholesterol. Sunshine provides us with vital vitamin D that has been linked to lower inflammation, lower blood pressure, improvements in muscle tone, improved brain function, and even cancer protection. Try 10 minutes of sun exposure without sunscreen. Or, consider investing in a SAD lamp.

  16. Take a bath - Hyperthermia (using heat to heal) is a great detox modality. Your bathtub can be your own hyperthermia tool. Take a hot bath to release tension and help calm the mind. Try adding some Epson or mineral salts and calming essential oils, like lavender. Light some candles, play some music and enjoy the calming effects.

  17. Try reflexology - Reflexology is an ancient Chinese treatment based on the principle that there are areas and points on the feet, hands, and ears that are connected through the nervous system to corresponding parts of the body. When pressure is applied to these areas and points it stimulates the movement of energy along the nerve channels and helps to restore balance in the body. Reflexology has many benefits including eliminating the body’s toxins, increasing blood circulation, reducing headaches, boosting your energy levels and improving your brain power. 

  18. Try an acupuncture mat - An acupuncture mat is made from cotton or another natural material and contains plastic acupressure points that stimulate the flow of “Chi” throughout the body. Benefits include improved sleep, increased endorphins levels, increased energy levels, and also aids in digestion.  Simply lay down on it for 20 minutes or more to improve circulation, especially in the detoxification pathways.

  19. Try earthing - ‘earthing’ or ‘grounding’ means to have our bare skin in direct contact with the surface of the earth.  The earth has a natural capacity to absorb electric charges  – that’s why our appliances are ‘earthed’. It keeps things safe.  Our bodies are conductive, they hold electrical charge too and when we make contact with the earth, this charge is neutralised. Grounding also influences our parasympathetic nervous system, soothing and balancing the left and right sides of our brain helping us to feel calm and relaxed.  In addition, hormone levels can re-balance reducing stress, anxiety, depression and even PMS. So take off your shoes and socks and try some earthing.

  20. Connect with others - Friendships can have a major impact on your health and wellbeing. Good friends are good for your health. Friends can help you celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Friends prevent loneliness and give you a chance to offer needed companionship, too. Benefits include: increasing your sense of belonging and purpose, boosting your happiness and reducing your stress and improving your self-confidence and self-worth. Take some time today to call or text a friend and just say hello, or arrange to get together over tea or coffee or go out for a hike. Making new friends as we get older is often quite challenging, but taking a class or joining a club is a great way to meet like-minded people. Reach out today to a friend just to say hi, or take steps to make new ones!

  21. Practice gratitude - Last, but not least on this list - GRATITUDE. Take time to think about what you are grateful for and appreciative of in your life. Detox from negative thinking by tuning in to the people, things and experiences in your life that you are most appreciative of. Take 5 -10 minutes to write a list of 20 things you are grateful for. They don’t have to be big, they can be small things that you often times over look, like the air we breath or the good health we have, or a favourite place to walk in nature. 


Give one of these tools a try!

Of course, there are many other ways you can detox, but here’s just a few to get you started. Some of them you may already be doing, others may be new to you and I’d encourage you to give something a try. Leave a comment below and let me know how these detoxes have worked for you and which ones you have chosen. If you have any other simple techniques, then please share them with me!



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