Gomukasana: Benefits, Philosophy, and Modifications


Gomukasana, also known as Cow Face Pose, is a pose that offers a unique experience of both physical heart opening and simultaneous rooting down. This asana is pronounced (go-moo-KAHS-anna) and offers several benefits for the mind and body.

Benefits: Gomukasana is a seated posture that primarily stretches the ankles, hips, and thighs, shoulders, armpits, and triceps, and chest. This yoga posture helps improve the flexibility and range of motion in these areas, making it a great pose for those who sit for extended periods, athletes, or anyone with tight muscles. The asana can also be beneficial for those experiencing sciatica, back pain, or stiffness in the shoulders and hips.

It's philosophy and origin:

The form of this pose is representative of the face of the sacred cow that offers sustenance and sustainability as well as a powerful connection to the earth. Traditionally, the cow in Indian culture revered as a holy animal, and represents nourishment, abundance, and the embodiment of the sacred.


  • Stretches the ankles, hips and thighs, shoulders, armpits and triceps, and chest


For a little bit more in this pose, lean forward and lay the chest down on the inner top thigh. Stay for 20 seconds, then inhale and come up and slowly unravel.


Yoga Pose: Utkata Konasana


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